Those Aquarians! What are we going to do with them? So much fun to be around, but often so hard to track down. Perhaps the most difficult sign to be in a romantic relationship with, they can be distant, then prone to sudden outbursts. Aquarius is the sign of the individual. According to this one Google search I did, Aquarius is the least common Astrological Sun sign. Aquarians! They're not like us!
Aquarius is ruled by the planet Uranus and associated with the Eleventh house. Uranus/Eleventh House rules television, the internet, organizations and clubs, scientific research, occult studies, and Astrology to name a few things. Uranus also rules political parties which is maybe why more U.S. presidents have been Aquarius than any other sign. Aquarians are born leaders. Aquarius is also currently the most common Sun sign for politicians. Aquarius/Uranus wants us to ask ourselves, "How do I best serve my community, how do I create meaningful change?" Uranus was discovered when Uranium was discovered and the world was never the same. Aquarians are game changers too. Uranus is the only planet with an oval shaped orbit, and Aquarians tend to go blaze their own trail as well. A few well known Aquarians that surprised us all are Axl Rose, John McCain and (ironically) Sarah Palin.
Oprah Winfrey is my favorite example of a well integrated, highly motivated Aquarius. She changed the talk show game when she took the focus inward and upward. Instead of focusing on scandal and judgement, she brought attention to inner work and spirituality. She continued to innovate the talk show medium when she introduced Oprah's Book Club. She actually used her television show as an opportunity to encourage people to read! No one had ever done that on a talk show before. (Her Moon is in nerdy Gemini, so it's no wonder she loves books.) She has expanded her media influence to include acting, publishing, and producing and managing her own network, the Oprah Winfrey Network. She used her considerable wealth to start an all girls school in South Africa. She is arguably the most influential woman in the world, and she uses her powers for good, raising awareness, and encouraging people to look within.
Aquarians are known for their unconventional take on relationships. Gregarious and outgoing, they make friends everywhere they go. So much so, that they are prone to suffering from fatigue, burnout, and the exhaustion that comes from feeling like everyone wants a piece of you. A lot of times they prefer groups to one on one interactions because it's actually less overwhelming for them. Perhaps this is why they sometimes can be a bit chilly in their most intimate relationships.
Some Aquarians are intuitive to the point of being psychic. They can be an interesting blend of private and curious. You may have gotten to the point with an Aquarian loved one where you realized they know almost everything about you, and you know almost nothing about them. That's because Aquarius is the most rational sign in the Zodiac.Those with Sun or other planets in Aquarius or the Eleventh house may feel uncomfortable expressing (or even acknowledging) the emotions they feel. Famous for their wide, open, understanding eyes, an Aquarius native can be extremely sympathetic to your pain. Opening up about their pain is another challenge entirely.
Airy, intellectual Aquarius is directly opposite sunny, fiery, dramatic Leo on the Horoscope wheel. But these two have more in common than you might think. Both are stubborn, fixed signs. Both have expansive, creative imaginations. Both are so idealistic that it can get them into trouble sometimes. Big hearted Leo is ruled by the Sun and Associated with the Fifth House. The Fifth house rules pleasure, fun, joy, romantic love, creativity, hospitality and games to name a few.
According to Carl Jung, (a Leo, BTW) a person isn't properly maturing until they have begun to develop all of the positive traits of their Sun sign, AND it's polar opposite. Conversely, one should also be actively working on eliminating all the negative traits associated with their sun sign and it's polar opposite. Then, and only then is a person truly actualized. I find this fascinating, and it makes a lot of sense to me.
Essentially, the journey of the Aquarian needs to include balancing the needs of their community with their own personal needs and the needs of their families. Our Aquarian friends can give too much sometimes. I find it interesting that the "May We Help You' section of O Magazine usually includes at least one advice column that focuses on healthy boundaries and taking a step back.
Years ago, I did Reiki training with a woman named we'll call Jean who was sweet as can be, but so overwhelmed. An animal loving Aquarius, she worked for an organization that fosters and rescues mistreated animals. To say she worked tirelessly would be an understatement. She was there 7 days a week, and every holiday. She was often late to the class we were taking together, or else she had to leave early to feed the animals. She hardly ever saw her husband.In class, whenever we had opportunities to discuss people or situations that we wanted to send love and light to, she always had a story about a mistreated animal who needed healing energy- never herself. She had a beautiful light inside of her, but it was dim and flickering. Everyone in class encouraged her to take a weekend off, spend some time with her husband, have a spa day with her daughter, but she just couldn't give herself permission to do it. Needless to say, such a lifestyle is not sustainable. It's impossible to pour from an empty vessel.
Now let's take another look at Oprah. Her personal life is considered by many to be unconventional. She has Stedman Graham, her long term life partner that she was previously engaged to, then decided not to marry, (but maybe she is engaged to again?) and a famous, much speculated about BFF relationship with public figure, Gale King. Both relationships have that "Go your own way" Aquarius hallmark, but they also seem loving and sincere. She has no biological children, but the students at her school all call her "Mama Oprah". By all accounts, Oprah puts work and time into those relationships.
Oprah's most well known Aquarian gift is her ability to get people open up to her, but over the years, she has gone against astrological type by sharing her personal journey with us as well. She has opened her life up to scrutiny many times, sharing stories of childhood sexual abuse, relationship struggles, racism she has encountered, and her ongoing battle with weight loss. Millions of people have invited Oprah into homes via the television and in turn, Oprah shares her home and life with us through her magazine spreads. Gregarious Leo rules hospitality, and Oprah has certainly shown us that. Her other Leo qualities include loyalty (She has famously kept the same hairdresser for decades.) and love of fashion and glamour. Even her famous greeting feels like Leo showmanship to me.
Oprah Winfrey, you are a true Aquarian of the Aquarian age. You appear to be a happy, healthy, well balanced individual who clearly "did the work" to get there. Well done. Happy Birthday! I hope you take the day off.
If you are having trouble choosing a gift for the eccentric, enigmatic Aquarius in your life, may I suggest a massage gift card, a dinner at a restaurant they've never been to before, (make sure there are vegetarian options) a personalized astrological report, or a donation to a charity that works with animals.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Friday, January 18, 2013
Hey Baby What's your (Rising) Sign?
Years ago,when I was living in a progressive little bubble of a town called Asheville, North Carolina, I applied for a job as a cocktail waitress at a high traffic pub downtown. One of the questions on the application was, "What is your rising sign?".
Now, I don't think the owner would have actually hired or not hired anyone based on their rising sign. Case in point, he hired me and my rising sign is Scorpio- a sign known for extreme sneakiness and not giving a shit what other people think, not the qualities one looks for in a cocktail waitress, amirite? No, I think this pub owner just wanted to ensure that his staff knew what a rising was. He wanted me to be on the same metaphysical page as the rest of his employees and regular clientele. At least I think that's what he wanted. Who knows? He was high all the time. That job was awesome! But I digress. Rising signs! They're important!
A Rising sign, otherwise known as an Ascendant or First House Placement is the constellation that was on the horizon at the hour of your birth. Your rising sign has a huge impact on your personality, appearance, and relationship to whoever raised you. Your rising sign is your outer self, your persona, the person you present to the outside world. A lot of times, when people incorrectly guess your sun sign, they're actually guessing your rising sign! (This happens to me a lot. People assume I'm a Scorpio because of my ren-faire hair and visible tattoos, but nope, that's my rising sign. Underneath the snark, I'm a Leo, warm hearted and eager to please.
If you don't already know your rising sign, you'll need to know the exact time and place of your birth. You can consult with a professional Astrologer to find out, or if you're not in a position to do that, there's a lot of good software out there, I like to use If you don't know you're exact birth time, a qualified Astrologer can help you determine your rising sign by discussing the major events of your life and moving backwards to your birth. That's one of the ways Astrology is awesome. It's not just for predictions, it can help you understand your past as well as your future.
Once someone's Astrological portrait is revealed, a lot of things fall into place. Someone with an extroverted Sun sign like Aries, might have introverted Virgo for a rising sign. You'll assume they're all demure in the beginning, and then a fierce warrior will emerge when you least expect it. My friend Sarah is your typical Leo, lionhearted and fabulous, Her Ascendant is high minded Sagittarius, the seeker, the sign that rules religion. It gives her a shimmering, spiritual quality and helps her inner light shine even brighter.
For some people, their natal Sun falls in their first house, and is also their rising sign. This is known as being a double, and these people come on strong. Mick Jagger is a double Leo, Neil Young is a triple (!!!) Scorpio. (More on that later.)
Every sign has a ruling planet. The ruling planet of your rising sign is also your chart ruler. You will have a more intimate relationship with this planet than any other. (But they'll all affect you in their own time, more on that later.) Your ruling planet can even affect how you come into this world! If your rising sign is Capricorn, your ruling planet is Saturn, the planet that rules hard work. My husband is a Capricorn rising, and my mother in law was in labor with him for 27 hours! If your rising sign is eccentric Aquarius, your ruling planet is quirky Uranus and you probably turned your parents world upside down! If your rising sign is sweet Libra, your ruling planet is Venus and you'll probably always follow your heart.
The following is some general information about rising signs and the planets that rule them. This is in no way comprehensive, and results will vary depending on where the Sun, Moon and other planets fall in your chart. Oh, and I know the Sun and Moon aren't planets, but most Astrologers feel comfortable referring them that way as a sort of short hand. Technically, they are luminaries. Just wanted you to know that I know!
Aries: If your rising sign is fast paced, fiery Aries, your chart ruler is Mars. Mars is the planet of war, but so much more. He rules life force energy and allows you to express yourself. If Mars is your ruling planet, you are most likely bold and spontaneous, and your strength and vitality is apparent to people as soon as they meet you! Not one to keep your cards close to your vest, you might actually have the opposite problem. You are probably more magnetic than even you realize, and you have great leadership potential. Famous people with Aries on the Ascendant include Barbara Streisand, AND Bette Midler, Lee Iaococca.
Taurus: If your rising sign is steady, earthy Taurus, your chart ruler is Venus, the planet of beauty, love and gifts. Venus is also the ruler of Libra, but in Taurus, we see her sensual, earthy side. You possibly have dark eyes and dark lashes. When it comes to clothes, you may prefer comfort over fashion. The comfort of your loved ones is probably a priority as well. A tidy home where everything has it's place is most likely a must have for you. People trust you to communicate openly and honestly. Famous people with Taurus on the Ascendant include Dan Rather, George Lucas, Serena Williams.
Gemini: If your rising sign is mutable, airy Gemini, your ruling planet is Mercury. Mercury is the messenger of the Gods, he rules communication, electronics, and sibling relationships to name a few. He's a busy guy. Mercury is also a trickster God, and his whimsical side is more often expressed through Gemini. You may look younger than your years and have inquisitive, shining eyes. Keywords for you are curious and restless. Maybe you've been told you talk too fast? Only because you think so fast! You may prefer almost constant stimulation, and you may be a fidgeter, too. You can be great fun to sit next to at a dinner party, because you probably know a fascinating detail about everyone in the room. Just remember to temper your gossipy urges with kindness, you can be a tad unemotional at times. Please don't text and drive. Famous people with Gemini on the Ascendant include Drew Barrymore, Julianne Moore, Bruce Springstein.
Cancer: If your rising is watery Cancer, you are ruled by the Moon. The Moon rules motherhood, creativity and sensitivity.The moon is also our closest neighbor and affects our day to day life the most. If you are ruled by the Moon, it's possible you have a high forehead, high cheekbones, and round empathetic eyes. You are most likely a sweet, gentle soul. Your relationship to your mother might be unusually important. In general, relationships with with women mean a lot to you. You are more sensitive than most. You can be very shy, but once you let someone in, you're a faithful friend. The place where you grew up will always have a special place in your heart. Famous people with Cancer on the Ascendant include Angelina Jolie, Emmylou Harris, Nathan Lane.
Leo: If your rising sign is fierce, fiery Leo, you are ruled by the Sun. The Sun rules artistic expression, children, royalty and fun. Like the aforementioned Mick Jagger, you are probably an attention getter. You appearance is most likely attractive, though possibly also unconventional. Maybe you love flamboyant clothes? Even if you don't, people probably notice you wherever you go, and you notice them noticing you.You may have a habit of falling in love easily and often. You have a noble quality that other people admire about you. You possibly are very turned off by vulgarity. There's a good chance you enjoy the company of children and they enjoy you. Famous people with Leo on the Ascendant include Muhammad Ali, Johnny Depp, Tina Turner.
Virgo: If your rising sign is gentle, earthy Virgo, you are also ruled by Mercury, but you're probably a little more low key than mile a minute Gemini. You express the detail oriented side of Mercury. A key word for you is meticulous. You may be slender and on the petite side. I bet you know how to make a good first impression. Your clothes tend to fit well and be well made. You may have a soft spot for handmade pieces, or even enjoy making them yourself. You are very observant and don't miss much, just like your Gemini counterpart, but you are less likely to speak without thinking. Famous people with Virgo on the Ascendant include Woody Allen, Uma Thurman, and Dolly Parton.
Libra: If your rising sign is sweet airy Libra, your ruling planet is also Venus. Unlike Taurus, you might exhibit the flashier, more flamboyant side of Venus. You are most likely attractive, and you know it, with symmetrical features and well styled hair. You may enjoy surrounding yourself with beauty; beautiful objects, beautiful clothes, beautiful smells, even. Friends probably flock to you like moths to a flame. You excel at the art of conversation, talking and listening- a rare gift. Famous people with Libra on the Ascendant include Leonardo DiCaprio, Courtney Love, Monica Lewinsky.
Scorpio: If your rising sign is dark, watery Scorpio, Your ruling planet is Pluto. Pluto rules transformation, sexuality, death, but also regeneration. Sound intense? You probably are! You may have been told you have a piercing gaze. You are most likely a very private person. You probably have a better than average ability to suss out people's hidden motivations. Your intensity can make some people nervous, but you only know how to be yourself! You are probably not one for small talk. Famous people with Scorpio on the Ascendant include Aretha Franklin, Martha Stewart, David Lynch, Prince.
Sagittarius: If your rising sign is fiery, adventurous Sagittarius, your ruling planet is expansive Jupiter. Jupiter rules adventure, travel, higher education, and religion. You are most likely a sparkling social butterfly with an eclectic group of friends. People may come to you when they need to hear a positive spin on things. You're open to almost any new experience and your friends love that about you. You may get overwhelmed at times, and feel like everyone wants a piece of you. It's easy for you to get overextended, so remember to rest, everyone needs quiet sometimes, even you. Famous people with Sagittarius on the Ascendant include Coco Chanel, Jimi Hendrix, (double Sag!) Prince William.
Capricorn: If your rising sign is serious, earthy Capricorn, your ruling planet is Saturn. Saturn rules hard work, long term goals, and restrictions among other things. He sounds serious, because he is, but hey, somebody has to clean up that mess that Jupiter left behind! If your ruling planet is Saturn, you may have dark features and a heavy, prominent brow bone. Your relationship to your father is probably very important to you in this lifetime. A key word for you is methodical. Some people may assume you're no fun at all, but you are actually pretty sarcastic and self deprecating once people get to know you. You have the potential to be very responsible and gifted at resource management. It is possible a loved one has called you cheap before. Famous people with Capricorn on the Ascendant include Queen Elizabeth I, Charles Bronson, Tom Seleck.
Aquarius: If your rising sign is eccentric, airy Aquarius, your ruling planet is Uranus. Uranus rules sudden change, political parties, social justice, and occult studies. Life with you is not ordinary! You most likely have a great love for humanity, but can be distant in your personal relationships. Or maybe you prefer the company of animals. Uranus has an irregular orbit, and you probably go your own way as well. There's a chance you're a public figure like our President, Barack Obama. Other famous people with Aquarius on the Ascendant include Audrey Hepburn, Matt Damon, and former presidential candidate, Roseanne Barr.
Pisces: If your ruling planet is dreamy, watery Pisces, your ruling planet is Neptune. The great dissolver. Neptune rules the unconscious, dreams, music, dance, mysticism, addiction and insanity. You are mostly likely smoking hot in a heavy lidded, long lashes languid kind of way. People may feel drawn to your not-fully-present-not-of-this-world vibe. Pisces is a water sign. All the water signs are guarded, but Pisces most of all. You are probably so practiced at guarding your true self, that you don't even seem guarded! Instead, you come off as aloof, mysterious, or in some fun cases, really hilarious. When you're not staring off into the distance, your other interests may include, yoga, meditation, dancing, drinking, and smoking weed. Famous people with Pisces on the Ascendant include Dean Martin, George Clooney, Gwyneth Paltrow.
This concludes our beginner's look at rising signs and ruling planets. Thank you for reading! Talk to you soon!
Now, I don't think the owner would have actually hired or not hired anyone based on their rising sign. Case in point, he hired me and my rising sign is Scorpio- a sign known for extreme sneakiness and not giving a shit what other people think, not the qualities one looks for in a cocktail waitress, amirite? No, I think this pub owner just wanted to ensure that his staff knew what a rising was. He wanted me to be on the same metaphysical page as the rest of his employees and regular clientele. At least I think that's what he wanted. Who knows? He was high all the time. That job was awesome! But I digress. Rising signs! They're important!
A Rising sign, otherwise known as an Ascendant or First House Placement is the constellation that was on the horizon at the hour of your birth. Your rising sign has a huge impact on your personality, appearance, and relationship to whoever raised you. Your rising sign is your outer self, your persona, the person you present to the outside world. A lot of times, when people incorrectly guess your sun sign, they're actually guessing your rising sign! (This happens to me a lot. People assume I'm a Scorpio because of my ren-faire hair and visible tattoos, but nope, that's my rising sign. Underneath the snark, I'm a Leo, warm hearted and eager to please.
If you don't already know your rising sign, you'll need to know the exact time and place of your birth. You can consult with a professional Astrologer to find out, or if you're not in a position to do that, there's a lot of good software out there, I like to use If you don't know you're exact birth time, a qualified Astrologer can help you determine your rising sign by discussing the major events of your life and moving backwards to your birth. That's one of the ways Astrology is awesome. It's not just for predictions, it can help you understand your past as well as your future.
Once someone's Astrological portrait is revealed, a lot of things fall into place. Someone with an extroverted Sun sign like Aries, might have introverted Virgo for a rising sign. You'll assume they're all demure in the beginning, and then a fierce warrior will emerge when you least expect it. My friend Sarah is your typical Leo, lionhearted and fabulous, Her Ascendant is high minded Sagittarius, the seeker, the sign that rules religion. It gives her a shimmering, spiritual quality and helps her inner light shine even brighter.
For some people, their natal Sun falls in their first house, and is also their rising sign. This is known as being a double, and these people come on strong. Mick Jagger is a double Leo, Neil Young is a triple (!!!) Scorpio. (More on that later.)
Every sign has a ruling planet. The ruling planet of your rising sign is also your chart ruler. You will have a more intimate relationship with this planet than any other. (But they'll all affect you in their own time, more on that later.) Your ruling planet can even affect how you come into this world! If your rising sign is Capricorn, your ruling planet is Saturn, the planet that rules hard work. My husband is a Capricorn rising, and my mother in law was in labor with him for 27 hours! If your rising sign is eccentric Aquarius, your ruling planet is quirky Uranus and you probably turned your parents world upside down! If your rising sign is sweet Libra, your ruling planet is Venus and you'll probably always follow your heart.
The following is some general information about rising signs and the planets that rule them. This is in no way comprehensive, and results will vary depending on where the Sun, Moon and other planets fall in your chart. Oh, and I know the Sun and Moon aren't planets, but most Astrologers feel comfortable referring them that way as a sort of short hand. Technically, they are luminaries. Just wanted you to know that I know!
Aries: If your rising sign is fast paced, fiery Aries, your chart ruler is Mars. Mars is the planet of war, but so much more. He rules life force energy and allows you to express yourself. If Mars is your ruling planet, you are most likely bold and spontaneous, and your strength and vitality is apparent to people as soon as they meet you! Not one to keep your cards close to your vest, you might actually have the opposite problem. You are probably more magnetic than even you realize, and you have great leadership potential. Famous people with Aries on the Ascendant include Barbara Streisand, AND Bette Midler, Lee Iaococca.
Taurus: If your rising sign is steady, earthy Taurus, your chart ruler is Venus, the planet of beauty, love and gifts. Venus is also the ruler of Libra, but in Taurus, we see her sensual, earthy side. You possibly have dark eyes and dark lashes. When it comes to clothes, you may prefer comfort over fashion. The comfort of your loved ones is probably a priority as well. A tidy home where everything has it's place is most likely a must have for you. People trust you to communicate openly and honestly. Famous people with Taurus on the Ascendant include Dan Rather, George Lucas, Serena Williams.
Gemini: If your rising sign is mutable, airy Gemini, your ruling planet is Mercury. Mercury is the messenger of the Gods, he rules communication, electronics, and sibling relationships to name a few. He's a busy guy. Mercury is also a trickster God, and his whimsical side is more often expressed through Gemini. You may look younger than your years and have inquisitive, shining eyes. Keywords for you are curious and restless. Maybe you've been told you talk too fast? Only because you think so fast! You may prefer almost constant stimulation, and you may be a fidgeter, too. You can be great fun to sit next to at a dinner party, because you probably know a fascinating detail about everyone in the room. Just remember to temper your gossipy urges with kindness, you can be a tad unemotional at times. Please don't text and drive. Famous people with Gemini on the Ascendant include Drew Barrymore, Julianne Moore, Bruce Springstein.
Cancer: If your rising is watery Cancer, you are ruled by the Moon. The Moon rules motherhood, creativity and sensitivity.The moon is also our closest neighbor and affects our day to day life the most. If you are ruled by the Moon, it's possible you have a high forehead, high cheekbones, and round empathetic eyes. You are most likely a sweet, gentle soul. Your relationship to your mother might be unusually important. In general, relationships with with women mean a lot to you. You are more sensitive than most. You can be very shy, but once you let someone in, you're a faithful friend. The place where you grew up will always have a special place in your heart. Famous people with Cancer on the Ascendant include Angelina Jolie, Emmylou Harris, Nathan Lane.
Leo: If your rising sign is fierce, fiery Leo, you are ruled by the Sun. The Sun rules artistic expression, children, royalty and fun. Like the aforementioned Mick Jagger, you are probably an attention getter. You appearance is most likely attractive, though possibly also unconventional. Maybe you love flamboyant clothes? Even if you don't, people probably notice you wherever you go, and you notice them noticing you.You may have a habit of falling in love easily and often. You have a noble quality that other people admire about you. You possibly are very turned off by vulgarity. There's a good chance you enjoy the company of children and they enjoy you. Famous people with Leo on the Ascendant include Muhammad Ali, Johnny Depp, Tina Turner.
Virgo: If your rising sign is gentle, earthy Virgo, you are also ruled by Mercury, but you're probably a little more low key than mile a minute Gemini. You express the detail oriented side of Mercury. A key word for you is meticulous. You may be slender and on the petite side. I bet you know how to make a good first impression. Your clothes tend to fit well and be well made. You may have a soft spot for handmade pieces, or even enjoy making them yourself. You are very observant and don't miss much, just like your Gemini counterpart, but you are less likely to speak without thinking. Famous people with Virgo on the Ascendant include Woody Allen, Uma Thurman, and Dolly Parton.
Libra: If your rising sign is sweet airy Libra, your ruling planet is also Venus. Unlike Taurus, you might exhibit the flashier, more flamboyant side of Venus. You are most likely attractive, and you know it, with symmetrical features and well styled hair. You may enjoy surrounding yourself with beauty; beautiful objects, beautiful clothes, beautiful smells, even. Friends probably flock to you like moths to a flame. You excel at the art of conversation, talking and listening- a rare gift. Famous people with Libra on the Ascendant include Leonardo DiCaprio, Courtney Love, Monica Lewinsky.
Scorpio: If your rising sign is dark, watery Scorpio, Your ruling planet is Pluto. Pluto rules transformation, sexuality, death, but also regeneration. Sound intense? You probably are! You may have been told you have a piercing gaze. You are most likely a very private person. You probably have a better than average ability to suss out people's hidden motivations. Your intensity can make some people nervous, but you only know how to be yourself! You are probably not one for small talk. Famous people with Scorpio on the Ascendant include Aretha Franklin, Martha Stewart, David Lynch, Prince.
Sagittarius: If your rising sign is fiery, adventurous Sagittarius, your ruling planet is expansive Jupiter. Jupiter rules adventure, travel, higher education, and religion. You are most likely a sparkling social butterfly with an eclectic group of friends. People may come to you when they need to hear a positive spin on things. You're open to almost any new experience and your friends love that about you. You may get overwhelmed at times, and feel like everyone wants a piece of you. It's easy for you to get overextended, so remember to rest, everyone needs quiet sometimes, even you. Famous people with Sagittarius on the Ascendant include Coco Chanel, Jimi Hendrix, (double Sag!) Prince William.
Capricorn: If your rising sign is serious, earthy Capricorn, your ruling planet is Saturn. Saturn rules hard work, long term goals, and restrictions among other things. He sounds serious, because he is, but hey, somebody has to clean up that mess that Jupiter left behind! If your ruling planet is Saturn, you may have dark features and a heavy, prominent brow bone. Your relationship to your father is probably very important to you in this lifetime. A key word for you is methodical. Some people may assume you're no fun at all, but you are actually pretty sarcastic and self deprecating once people get to know you. You have the potential to be very responsible and gifted at resource management. It is possible a loved one has called you cheap before. Famous people with Capricorn on the Ascendant include Queen Elizabeth I, Charles Bronson, Tom Seleck.
Aquarius: If your rising sign is eccentric, airy Aquarius, your ruling planet is Uranus. Uranus rules sudden change, political parties, social justice, and occult studies. Life with you is not ordinary! You most likely have a great love for humanity, but can be distant in your personal relationships. Or maybe you prefer the company of animals. Uranus has an irregular orbit, and you probably go your own way as well. There's a chance you're a public figure like our President, Barack Obama. Other famous people with Aquarius on the Ascendant include Audrey Hepburn, Matt Damon, and former presidential candidate, Roseanne Barr.
Pisces: If your ruling planet is dreamy, watery Pisces, your ruling planet is Neptune. The great dissolver. Neptune rules the unconscious, dreams, music, dance, mysticism, addiction and insanity. You are mostly likely smoking hot in a heavy lidded, long lashes languid kind of way. People may feel drawn to your not-fully-present-not-of-this-world vibe. Pisces is a water sign. All the water signs are guarded, but Pisces most of all. You are probably so practiced at guarding your true self, that you don't even seem guarded! Instead, you come off as aloof, mysterious, or in some fun cases, really hilarious. When you're not staring off into the distance, your other interests may include, yoga, meditation, dancing, drinking, and smoking weed. Famous people with Pisces on the Ascendant include Dean Martin, George Clooney, Gwyneth Paltrow.
This concludes our beginner's look at rising signs and ruling planets. Thank you for reading! Talk to you soon!
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Getting to know you!
Hello friends! I'm Sister Lara. Thanks for reading! I've been into witchy stuff (Tarot, crystals, aromatherapy, Astrology) for forever. I am currently deepening my Astrological knowledge through a self-study program. My goal with this blog is to impart astrological wisdom that can improve your day to day life, and answer any questions that you have along the way.
Before we go any further, I would like to address the question of "What's your sign?". When people say that,what they're really asking you for is your Sun sign, or what quadrant of the sky the sun was in when you were born. This is called "Solar Astrology" and it, like women voting, is a relatively new phenomenon. This is an exciting time in history for Astrology! Information is available to anyone who is curious! (Thanks, internet!) But for thousands of years, this wasn't the case. Astrology was a highly skilled profession that people paid a lot for. Only the very wealthy could afford a private Astrologer, and readings were very specific to a client's natal chart. (Your natal chart shows the planetary alignment that was happening at the exact moment of your birth.) Then someone came along who changed all that.
William Frederick Allan (b. August, 1860), who later changed his name to Alan Leo is considered one of the first modern Astrologers. He revolutionized Astrology into just a sun sign. It was easy to figure out which of the 12 groups you belonged to, all you had to know was your Birthday. Something that was once considered arcane and mystical, was a column in almost every newspaper by 1960. Pop Astrology was born. Some people say Alan Leo was a true man of the people, and other people say he was a shrewd business man. (He worked in publishing.)
Don't get me wrong, the Sun is where the light shines brightest in your chart, and most Astrologers feel comfortable referring to people by their Sun sign, but please keep in mind, we're all more complex than that. Having said all that, we've all heard or read things about our Sun signs that resonated with us. You probably wouldn't be reading this if that wasn't the case. Then again, maybe all your life people have been saying you're the bossiest Pisces they've ever met, and now you know why. You're more than just your Sun sign! There's a part of me that sort of loves the fact that at the Dawn of the Age of Aquarius, Astrology was made available to the people. There's another part of me that gets bummed when people use inconsistencies between their personality and their Sun sign as an excuse to dismiss Astrology all together.
Which brings me to my next point, fuck the haters! I have no desire to convince anyone of the impact of Astrology who already has their mind made up to the contrary. The evidence is there. To me, Astrology is as much of a reality of my day to day life as love, and food and air. The more I learn about Astrology, the more it improves my quality of life. I feel called to bring those bright blessings to you as well, so if you have any questions, please ask! I am happy to answer questions specific to your life's journey, as well as any general Astrology questions. If I don't know the answer, I'll do my best to find out. I'll close this out with wise words from acclaimed Astrologer Suzanne White: "And to those who say 'Astrology is ridiculous' I say, 'Yes, of course, I agree completely,now can we get on with it?'"
Confidential to SB, Jupiter has been square your Ascendant since August 2012 and this influence will last until April 2013. This is generally considered a lucky influence, the blessings usually come from a friend or someone new that you meet. There is a greater than average chance of opportunity coming your way, even more so if you keep an open mind and open heart!
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