Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Getting to know you!

    Hello friends! I'm Sister Lara. Thanks for reading! I've been into witchy stuff (Tarot, crystals, aromatherapy, Astrology) for forever. I am currently deepening my Astrological knowledge through a self-study program. My goal with this blog is to impart astrological wisdom that can improve your day to day life, and answer any questions that you have along the way.
 Before we go any further, I would like to address the question of "What's your sign?".  When people say that,what they're really asking you for is your Sun sign, or what quadrant of the sky the sun was in when you were born. This is called "Solar Astrology" and it, like women voting, is a relatively new phenomenon. This is an exciting time in history for Astrology! Information is available to anyone who is curious! (Thanks, internet!) But for thousands of years, this wasn't the case. Astrology was a highly skilled profession that people paid a lot for. Only the very wealthy could afford a private Astrologer, and readings were very specific to a client's natal chart. (Your natal chart shows the planetary alignment that was happening at the exact moment of your birth.) Then someone came along who changed all that. 
 William Frederick Allan (b. August, 1860), who later changed his name to Alan Leo is considered one of the first modern Astrologers. He revolutionized Astrology into just a sun sign.  It was easy to figure out which of the 12 groups you belonged to, all you had to know was your Birthday. Something that was once considered arcane and mystical, was a column in almost every newspaper by 1960. Pop Astrology was born. Some people say Alan Leo was a true man of the people, and other people say he was a shrewd business man. (He worked in publishing.)

   Don't get me wrong, the Sun is where the light shines brightest in your chart, and most Astrologers feel comfortable referring to people by their Sun sign, but please keep in mind, we're all more complex than that.  Having said all that, we've all heard or read things about our Sun signs that resonated with us. You probably wouldn't be reading this if that wasn't the case. Then again, maybe all your life people have been saying you're the bossiest Pisces they've ever met, and now you know why. You're more than just your Sun sign! There's a part of me that sort of loves the fact that at the Dawn of the Age of Aquarius, Astrology was made available to the people. There's another part of me that gets bummed when people use inconsistencies between their personality and their Sun sign as an excuse to dismiss Astrology all together. 
 Which brings me to my next point, fuck the haters! I have no desire to convince anyone of the impact of Astrology who already has their mind made up to the contrary. The evidence is there. To me, Astrology is as much of a reality of my day to day life as love, and food and air. The more I learn about Astrology, the more it improves my quality of life. I feel called to bring those bright blessings to you as well, so if you have any questions, please ask! I am happy to answer questions specific to your life's journey, as well as any general Astrology questions. If I don't know the answer, I'll do my best to find out. I'll close this out with wise words from acclaimed Astrologer Suzanne White: "And to those who say 'Astrology is ridiculous' I say, 'Yes, of course, I agree completely,now can we get on with it?'"

Confidential to SB, Jupiter has been square your Ascendant since August 2012 and this influence will last until April 2013. This is generally considered a lucky influence, the blessings usually come from a friend or someone new that you meet. There is a greater than average chance of opportunity coming your way, even more so if you keep an open mind and open heart!

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