If my teenage self could see me now, I don't know what she would find more shocking; the fact that I'm a stay at home mom, or the fact that I am somewhat invested in the outcome of the Superbowl. Hopefully, my teenage self would forgive me since I kept it real by leaving my nose ring in and having visible tattoos.You see, Pluto is my ruling planet and I also have that upsetter Uranus in the first house. Being nonconformist was a huge part of my identity when I was younger. Add to that your typical adolescent angst, and maybe an extra sprinkling of dysfunction, and I had a lot of rage to burn. The jocks in my high school seemed as good a target as any. While I didn't know any of them personally, and none of them ever really messed with me that bad, I was convinced they were all the worst kind of people (meanwhile, my closest friends were low level drug dealers and people who did graffiti so who was I to judge?). I saw them all as knuckle dragging thugs that would someday be the muscle for the ever present thought police of the dystopian future I was sure was going to happen real soon. I even used to rip flyers for Fellowship of Christian Athletes events off the walls of my high school. Too far? I agree.
Well it came to pass that I married a sports fan. It kind of snuck up on me. I'm an only child, I need lots of space, and it was only after we moved in together that I realized my significant other spent every Sunday between September and February watching football. Sometimes, he would even get up early and play flag football with his football loving friends before they all watched football together! I couldn't believe it, but it was too late, I was in love. A reluctant football observer was born. It probably helps that I love a good triumph of the human spirit story, and pro football has plenty of those. It's like the commercials say, "NFL, it's about the people."
Which brings us to my first Superbowl, 2008, The (undefeated) Patriots vs The Giants. My husband, Jonathan, had filled me in on some of Bill Belichick's more unsavory shenanigans, so I was definitely rooting for the Giants. It didn't hurt that something about Tom Brady's face reminded me of why I used to hate jocks in the first place. Besides, I love underdogs, who doesn't? Mercury had just gone into retrograde, and I predicted the Giants would win.
Mercury going into retrograde is a complex Astrological subject that merits it's own blog post, but a brief explanation is that Mercury Rx can be a surprising, confusing, emotional time for most people. Probably the most cited explanation of how Mercury can turn our world upside down is the 2000 US Presidential Election. No outcome is certain when Mercury goes retrograde.
So back to Superbowl XXXXIII, the moon was almost full, and Mercury had just turned retrograde. Most people expected the Patriots to win, but I said, "Expect the unexpected" and the Giants won! I guess that's when I started to think I could actually like this stuff.
So, Superbowl XLVII. I have two confessions to make. One is that I'm rooting for the Ravens. What can I say? I live in Baltimore and the excitement is contagious. I didn't even really give a shit about the Ravens at the beginning of this season, mostly because a woman in a Ravens jersey cut my three year old son's pony ride short when my husband told her he was a Redskins fan. But Baltimore's enthusiasm has been building. Plus, nationwide, more people are rooting for a 49ers win, and if you're given an opportunity to root for the home team who are also underdogs, you should go for it right? Full disclosure number two, I really don't know that much about football. Just thought I should put that out there.
The Baltimore Ravens started out as the Cleveland Browns and I felt conflicted over what to use as their actual birth date for their horoscope. I finally decided that they were reborn as the Ravens when they first took to the field in Baltimore. That makes their birthday September 1, 1996, 13:00 EST, Baltimore, MD.
Right now Uranus is conjunct Saturn in the Ravens' natal chart until the end of the month. This is a little concerning because Uranus rules explosive change and Saturn rules structure. This could make it difficult for the Ravens to work as a team, ego energies may be running high. The key word for Uranus is surprise. Are the Ravens going to splinter on the field and bring shame to the city of Baltimore,or will they surprise us all with a spectacular win? Judging by this influence alone, hard to say.
The Ravens sun sign is meticulous Virgo with their moon in in hardworking Taurus. On their natal chart, their moon falls into the 7th house of marriage and partnerships. It's no surprise then that Ray Lewis who spent his entire career with the Ravens is a Taurus. His professional relationship with the Ravens may even feel like a higher calling to him. From a Transformational Astrology standpoint, you could call it karmic destiny.
The Ravens' rising sign is Scorpio. That makes Pluto, the planet of destruction, transformation, death and rebirth their ruling planet. On Superbowl Sunday, Pluto will be trining their Sun. A trine is considered to be an auspicious angle. This particular influence is so good that good things can happen to you even if you aren't trying, but obviously it's better if you do! Advancement in any field is easier with this influence. Another key word for this influence is Unity- /very important when discussing a team sport. This influence alone makes a Superbowl win seem likely, AND it lasts until December, 2013!
A less favorable influence the Ravens have to deal with is Jupiter square Sun which started in July 2012 and will last for all of 2013. This can be a tricky influence because while it can bring luck and favors into your life, it can also go to your head, and cause discipline to be at an all time low. Hubris is a big challenge with this influence. Opportunities are likely, but the Ravens' still need to maintain focus and work together as a team.
Interestingly, on Game Day the Ravens as a team will be experiencing a relatively rare astrological phenomenon. Their natal chart will be unaffected by the more swiftly moving planets. (Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars.) This means the only planetary influences they'll experience will be from the slower moving planets that have more to do with long term plans. (Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Pluto.) In general this is a positive influence, but it more favors relaxation and day dreaming. (Hope not!) I wish Mercury was more involved to aid in communication, or Mars to help them be fierce and determined, but overall, I think this looks (pretty) good for the Ravens.
So, moving along to the 49ers, I have to let you know that I don't know very much about this team, but I do love metallic gold and red together. The San Francisco 49ers first took to the field as a team on September 6, 1946 1PM EST San Francisco CA.This means they are Virgos, just like the Ravens. Their Moon is in disciplined Capricorn. Their rising sign is sparkly Sagittarius, which makes Jupiter, the planet of expansion, opportunity and luck their ruling planet. Jupiter falls in the 10th house of honors for them, a lucky placement. Because their "Birthdays"are so close together, The 49ers are also experiencing the Jupiter Square Sun influence that can bring many blessings but also calls for discipline.
Jupiter is also trine Neptune for the 49ers right now. This can be an interesting influence for an individual, but not so great for a football team, because it can cause you to lose focus on your goals. It's a dreamy pleasant influence that doesn't favor ambition. I'm thinking it's possible that this influence will be less intense for the 49ers because they with a Sun in Virgo and a Moon in Capricorn, I think they may be on the cautious side of pragmatic anyway.
Now for the big day, The 49ers will have Mercury in the third house which will highlight communication. Their ruling planet, Jupiter is also trine Mercury. This influence favors the power of positive thinking and came make almost anything seem possible. On the day of an important event, it doesn't get much better than that!
So both teams have been experiencing some very positive long term influences, which is how they made it to the Superbowl in the first place. It does seem like the 49ers have just a little bit more sparkle on them right now because of all the aspects from their ruling planet, Jupiter. I'm just really concerned that the Ravens won't be influenced by anything astrological specific to February 3.Based on the natal charts of the two teams, to say nothing of the individuals on both teams, and leaving free will out of it, a favorable outcome for San Francisco seems more likely .
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