Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Game of Astrology

   Hello fellow travelers! So In George RR Martin's beautiful and often upsetting world of Westeros and beyond there is a ton of Astrological symbolism. So much so that I knew I had to come out of astro-blogger retirement to write about it. (If you're wondering why I stopped blogging about Astrology in the first place? My youngest quit taking naps. Simple as that.) The thing about Astrology is you don't have to be an Astrologer to write fiction with Astrological themes in it because Astrology is around us affecting us all the time. The world that A Song of Ice and Fire takes place in never existed but it feels real to us because it so strongly resembles our Astrological Age of Pisces. There is unbridled hedonism, uneven distribution of wealth, religion as a controlling entity...wow in some ways that still feels like our world even though we are in the process of transitioning into the Age of Aquarius.
  If GOT feels too close for comfort, don't feel bad, we are definitely moving away from that old energy despite what the headlines tell you! I'm using the internet to talk to strangers about to Astrology- it doesn't get much more Age of Aquarius than that! Even on Game of Thrones, things are changing, the once rejected Wildlings are being brought over the Wall to fight a common enemy. Across the Narrow Sea, Daenerys Targaryen has amassed the now freed Unsullied, and is fighting against human bondage with her dragons and defying gender stereotypes along the way. These egalitarian themes of global communication and support are what the Age of Aquarius is all about!
George RR Martin is himself in the midst of an Astrological transformation. His birthday is September 20, 1948 9:2:25PM.  This makes him a Virgo with a Moon in Aires and his rising sign is Taurus. Sidebar: Children under the age of five are supposed to embody their Moon sign more fully than their Sun. My seven year old is also a Moon in Aries and was such an aggressive headbutting Ram that he actually sent me to the emergency room on one occasion and if I ever meet GRRM's mom I will ask her about that. Moving along, Mr. Martin is a Virgo/Libra cusp which is I think I fascinating place for an author to be. No One besides a Virgo could have created such a gorgeous, detailed world for us all to enjoy! And because he's a Virgo, he just expects us to keep up! 
Interestingly, Mr. Martin is not fully of Virgo, no. Cusps do eventually cross into the threshold of the other sign. Could that be why Mr. Martin is struggling to complete his books? At this point in his life he should have moved into relaxed, luxurious Libra. Libra takes her time. Venus ruled Libra is definitely okay with seeing the ladies in charge and ready to rumble. Libra will want to see the scales balanced and a pleasing esthetic in the end, if possible. Libra is cool with open enemies, as we saw in the final episodes of season six with the Queen of Thorns meeting with the House of Martel to bring down Cersei and and Theon and Asha/Yara meeting with Daenerys. Libra abhors brutality which is maybe why GRRM is struggling with the ending?
So now, let's take a trip through the  archetypal twelve signs of the Zodiac. Maybe you will recognize yourself along the way! One thing to keep in mind, these are archetypes, we are all capable of carrying any of these qualities, positive or negative. We are all more than our Sun Signs. This is also why Cersei and Jamie are placed in different signs even though they are twins.

House One Aries:   Jamie Fucking Lannister.When we first meet Jamie we hate him and that's no accident. Bran is the first Stark child we get to know and then Jamie takes a break from fucking his sister to attempt to murder him?! Wow. Oh, and his nickname is "Kingslayer" because he like, killed the Mad King Aerys who was terrorizing everyone but taken as whole, not a good look. But then like just like that time I bumped into a guy who bullied me in middle school only to find out he now attends twelve step meetings and volunteers at the VA, whoops looks like people can change.
Hercules was the archetypal Aries, and his beloved brethren are at their best when they are given great works to go or great feats to go out and accomplish. Jamie was at his worst when he was on the Kingsguard, bored as hell, with nothing to do but his sister. He began to become actualized when he was out in the field, befriending and defending Brienne of Tarth. Never forget in the books he went 
back to save Brienne because of a dream he had! That's mystical AF! His imprisonment and the removal of his hand were traumatizing, but essential to his growth and hero's journey. (Don't try this at home!) Eventually we learn Jamie murdered the mad king only after being ordered to...burn his own father alive?!?! That's a... big ask. Jamie is a fiery Arean braggart but he’s developing his moral compass and wants to do the right thing. It will be interesting to see how his character develops moving forward.  Other Areans of Westeros and beyond include;  Ellaria Sand, lover to the late Oberyn Martel. She pushes for war with the Lannisters. Doesn't have a clear agenda and uses poison on a defenseless teenage girl. Ellaria is all rage and violence right now without a coherent battle plan. She is currently displaying many negative traits of her sign with none of the good. That doesn't typically end well. And of course Khal Drogo and the Drothraki in general display a very Mars influenced First House Arean warrior culture that only take one so far anywhere. Beric Dondarian, the Lightning Lord is another example of an Aries of Westeros. The most actualized Aries of GOT we have come across is Syrio Forel, Arya's sword fighting teacher. He is a master Water Dancer and strict teacher. He is tough, but clearly feels affection for his pupil. When Neddard Stark is taken into custody and they come for Arya, Syrio is suspicious and does not allow them to take her, allowing her to escape. We last see Syrio with several soldiers closing in on him with only a wooden training sword to defend himself. Syrio's fate remains unknown."The first sword of Braavos does not run." -Syrio Forel

House Two Taurus: 
Sansa Stark. It's been said before that the beauty of prestige television is that you actually get to watch people grow up. Definitely true with our girl here! Sansa was such an irritating teenage girl and look at her now! Throughout it all, she's been pure Taurus. The Fixed, Earthy Second House asks, "What is mine?" Sansa appreciates the finer things in life, she named her direwolf Lady, and she never forgets where she came from. She is also blessed with Venus ruled Taurus beauty. We see the beginnings of that stubbornness when she digs in her heels and just HAS to say goodbye to Joffrey. We see it fully matured when Myranda is trying to intimidate her saying, "first we'll cut of your legs, then blah blah blah..." and Sansa is having none of it! She's Sansa Stark! Of Winterfell! She belongs here. How far will she go to protect what she believes to be hers? Time will tell... 
  Another Taurus of Westeros is Brienne of Tarth. Why is she not a warrior archetype? Because she found something she was good at and stubbornly chose to perfect her craft, despite opposition from her family. One tragic mistake she's made was chasing down Stannis to avenge Renly and not getting to Sansa sooner. That look she gave Littlefinger when Sansa confronted him was SOMETHING tho, right? 
  Other Taureans of Westeros include: Gendry who just wants to perfect his craft as a welder and be left alone, (Remember his helmet had bull horns? (!!!) and Podrick Payne who is apparently very good in bed. Remember Taurus is ruled by Sensual Venus.  (When Tyrion dropped him off for R&R at Littlefinger's brothel and picked him up a few hours later, the ladies refused all payment.) BY THE WAY, is old Pod super loyal, or a very well paid spy? Either way he's a Taurus! 

House Three Gemini:    Littlefinger. Really Petyr Baelish is more the embodiment of  Gemini's ruling planet, Mercury.  Amoral, loves transactions. Has a youthful energy. Disappears from time to time. With his love of destabilizing governments and making people wonder what the fuck is going on, in some ways, he’s like a walking embodiment of Mercury in Retrograde! No wonder no one is ever happy to see him! Shudder. But there is a lot of airy, mutable Gemini in there as well. Gemini lives in the Third House of early life and sibling relationships which explains his loyalty to Catelyn. Littlefinger was part of the Westeros "hostage" program where when there's tensions between the seven kingdoms, families will send their kids to live with other families (maybe not by choice) as if to say, nope I won't do any invading, not while you've got my kid! Theon Greyjoy is another hostage graduate of Westeros who is also not doing so great. So anyway, not saying Littlefinger is the most traumatized adult of Westeros, but maybe he would have benefitted from being raised by his own parents instead of growing up alongside Catelyn and Looney ass Lyssa, and adults who felt indifferent towards him? But here we are! Many Geminis can retain a surprising amount of information about just about anything, and the bad apples can present as whomever you would like them to seem like. Not all Geminis are smart, dapper sociopaths, but I bet we have all met at least one! 
  My favorite Gemini of Westeros is gender norm defying, Ironborn Asha Yara Greyjoy. She even has two names! She has a rude sense of humor, wants to be the first woman to rule the Iron Islands, and was bold enough to propose marriage to Daenerys! Despite his off putting first impression, she has relentlessly protected and taken care of her brother Theon. She has my vote! 
  Other Geminis of Westeros include Bronn, Tyrion's wisecracking sword for hire, Missandei, Daenery's soft spoken multilingual advisor, and Shirreen Baratheon. Shirreen is an example of airy Gemini opening their heart to their inherent kind and spiritual nature which anyone can do. RIP sweet Shirreen. 

House Four Cancer:   Cersei Lannister. I know in some ways she may seem like a Leo. She has/had that golden mane, she set fire to her enemies in recent memory, her house sigil is a lion, etc... But dig a little deeper and our girl Cersei is all Cancer. Consider that glamorous, moody and occasionally messy real world Courtney Love is a Cancer. The Cardinal Watery sign of Cancer is often personified by the Queen of Cups in the Tarot. A beautiful woman with flowing hair holds a goblet and gazes fathomlessly... We've all seen Cersei like this before. Except instead of contemplating the mysteries of the universe, she's plotting the downfall of her rivals, or over analyzing slights both real and imagined. Aleister Crowley writes that the Queen of Cups, "Reflects the nature of the observer in great perfection."  Queen Cersei is this poisonous inverse. In her we, see the worst in ourselves. She is the personification of all of the toxic qualities of Cancer with none of the good. 
  Thankfully life is choices! Would you believe former President George W Bush and His Holiness the Dalai Lama are Cancers with the same birthday?!  Deceased King Tommen Baratheon First Of His Name was growing into a beautiful compassionate leader of the people who embraced the Feminine. He prayed to the the Mother in the sept, and was very open to his input from his wife whom he considered to be a partner. The militarization of the church was horrifying to him. Tragically, the carnage wrought by his own devouring mother was too much, and he took his own life, unable to see how much his kingdom needed him. 
  Other Cancers of Westeros include: Prince Doran Martel of Dorne. If you ever read the books, (And you should!) you will get treated to several drowsy chapters out in Dorne. Prince Doran is very into chill vibes, and wants to keep the peace at all cost. He has painful swelling in his joints, (Fluid retention is a common Cancerian health issue.) and mostly just wants to eat tapas and watch the children play in the fountains. Old Nan, who has nurtured countless Stark children into adulthood, and Gilly, who wanted to be a Mother so badly she was willing to leave behind everything she had ever known. 

House Five Leo:       Daenerys Targaryen! But of course. Dany is the Queen who will possibly unseat Cersei someday. All this time, Cersei has been living in fear of a "beautiful queen" replacing her ever since she saw that seer as a teenager. Which explains why she was so awful first to Sansa then to Margery. Really tho, her true archenemy is coming across the narrow sea with a trio of dragons! Shit man! One way Daenerys shows herself to be a Fiery Fixed Leo is that Fifth House spark of charisma that you just can't fake. (Many celebrities are Leos, and ones who aren't often have two or more planets in the Fifth House.) Why are so many people taking orders from this woman? Why are the Dothraki, who fear water getting on a boat for her? Never underestimate a person who has that special something that makes people want to be a part of their army. All fire signs have a special inner nobility that makes them despise inhumanity in all it's forms. We see it with Jamie when he goes back to save Brienne. We see it on Daenerys's face when she first meets, and later frees the Unsullied. Will Daenerys make it to the Iron Throne? Dracarys motherfuckers!
  Another Leo of Westeros is deceased dreamboat Oberyn Martel. The fiery energy of Leo presents a bit differently with him. Leo women will often spread their warmth and take care of others. With Leo men you are more likely to be reminded that Leos are ruled by the SUN! With enough ego and resources, certain Leo men will even create mini solar systems around themselves like real life Leos Louis XIV and Andy Warhol. We see a bit of this with Oberyn and his sexy sand snake army. Leos are the sign of ego, and can unfortunately overestimate themselves, and this led to Oberyn's tragic demise. His daughters, the Sand Snakes themselves are a manifestation of base Leo energy. Leos are known for their loyalty and an emotionally wounded Leo is a fearsome opponent indeed. The Sand Snaked are currently heartbroken and taking orders from a madwoman so uh, good luck with that! 
  My favorite Leo of A Song of Ice and Fire was Wildling Osha. Cancer is the sign of the Mother but Fifth House actually covers the fun side of parenting and children. Osha was a fierce, brave, and loving surrogate mama bear to Bran and Rickon. She told them Children of the Forest stories, kept them motivated, and ultimately gave her life for them. RIP Osha. 

House Six Virgo:   Jon Snow! Jon has many of the best qualities of Mutable Earthy, Virgo. Virgos are the servants of the Zodiac and Jon Snow is now the King of the North. Aren't the best leaders the ones who know they are here to serve their people? Jon is controlled, unemotional, and for the most part maintains a passive, blank face. When he's beyond the Wall, and realizes his swordsmanship is not up to snuff he begins to practice for hours every day with true Virgoan discipline. The ascetic lifestyle of the Night's Watch in general has a very Sixth House/Virgo feel. Virgo is said to be ruled by the "frozen half" of Mercury. The Sixth House rules day to day routines, and for generations, the Watch was routine. The men had their roles that played to their strengths and they just sort of perfected them... forever. Mutable signs are better at transitions than most which explains why so many men on the Wall have an um, past. And when it comes to a transitions, well it doesn't get much more major than dying and coming back to life like we all saw JS do! Oh and did I mention the Sixth House also rules pets? Viva la Ghost! 
  Another Virgo of Westeros is Meera Reed. As I mentioned before Virgo is the sign of the servant, and also the sign of the Healer. Meera has nerves of steel and can handle shit. She is the Earthly opposite to her dreamy brother. (RIP) She is a fascinating person in her own right and is a good grounding balance to Bran. 
  Catelyn Stark was another Virgo of Westeros. In the books, her brittle energy is more apparent. She had a need to be in control of most of the details of her family's day to day life, even Sansa's hair. She enjoys needlepoint and horseback riding, both common Virgo activities. They loathe being idle and they greatly benefit from fresh air. She was a loving mother, just kind of intense. Then again, we wouldn't be in this mess if everyone had just listened to her in the first place. 
  Walder Frey is an example of the basest, most toxic qualities of Virgo empowered in the Age of Pisces. He ruled by fear and total control. He was terrible to women and not much better to most of the men in his family which is how we ended up with such an incredibly damaged group of people. Good riddance you old piece of shit! 

House Seven Libra:  Varys. Varys has in the past claimed to not be on anyone's side and is really just fighting "For the realm." And he said it really sassy, too. This is a very Airy, Libran thing to say. If there was ever a sign in favor of chill vibes, it's Cardinal Air Sign Libra. They favor bright new beginnings. That's why he's team Dany. Venus rules Libra and we see this in Varys's fondness for luxurious textiles and the fancy company he keeps. Venus despises brutality, and is easily grossed out which is why when Varys freed Tyrion, he was all, "Ugh do we HAVE to?" about coming for Tywin next. But wait. I know I said chill vibes, but people are complicated. House Seven rules relationships, partnerships, including...open enemies. (Secret enemies live somewhere else, more on that later. ) When I saw him out in Dorne having brunch with Ellaria and Olenna, I screamed! His level headed influence is just what they need! 
  Speaking of the Queen of Thornes, Lady Olenna of House Martel is also a Libra but at this point in her life she may be veering into the chaos loving unbalanced end of the Libran spectrum. Who can blame her? She's lost everything. I do love that interaction she has with Cersei where she says Cersei may be the worst person she has ever known, then takes it back, she's old, maybe she's met someone worse... She won't even let Cersei be the best at being the worst! And she says it to her FACE. Man, that is one masterful insult. Lady Olenna takes care of her own though, so it will be interesting to see what she does next. 
  The tragedy of Robb Stark can be understood better if we look at him through the lens of Libra. He so wanted to do things correctly and honorably. He angered his own men for executing the Karstarks, who had illegally killed Lannister prisoners. He was trying to be fair, balanced, high minded, and he lost allies. Another curse of Libra is confusing intimacy with love. In the books, there's a different storyline where it's more obvious that he's set up to marry someone else to anger the Freys on purpose. (and maybe witchcraft is involved?) Anyway. RIP Robb. You did your best, and the North remembers.

House Eight Scorpio:    Arya Stark.  Can there be any doubt Arya is ruled by these, dark transformative waters? Scorpio is a Fixed Stubborn Water Sign ruled by Pluto. There was some debate in the scientific community for awhile back about whether or not Pluto was a Planet at all because it was so small. Astrologers never stopped thinking of Pluto as a planet, and in fact some consider it to be the most powerful driving force in our Solar System. Ayra is small, powerful and frequently underestimated as well. The Eight House is the House of Transformation. The mythology of the Phoenix who rises again from it's own ashes is strongly tied to the Eighth House,  and many Scorpios will experience more career shifts or major moves than the average person. The Final Transformation, Death lives in the Eighth House, too. The Braavosi House of Black and White May as well be the the Eighth House. There is a way for people to literally transform themselves into someone else there, and others come to drink the waters to find permanent relief from suffering.  
  Scorpios are a fixed sign and have more trouble letting go than other breezier, light hearted signs. Ultimately, Arya's list and her family obligations proved too strong for her to stay in Braavos. (And she really didn't have the stomach to keep killing strangers who seemed nice?) I am very interested to see what she does next. Will she make it to the final chapter? One thing to keep in mind, the Scorpion is the only animal God ever made capable of stinging itself to death with it's own venom. Be careful out there Arya! 
  Jaqen H'ghar, whom is first freed by Arya, then later becomes her mentor, is in many ways Eighth House personified. He's mysterious. Exchanges money for death, is willing to mentor others on this path, etc. When Arya is giving him her three names at Harrenhall, and she jokingly says his name, he does for a moment look terrified. Why should he fear death? Everyone has their stuff, I guess. 
  Another Scorpio of Westeros is Sandor Clegane, The Hound. He has literally been transformed by fire. The Pluto of Myth used to cover his face with a Helmet of Invisibility whenever he was forced to visit Earth. The Hound covers his scarred face with hair or his signature helmet. Sandor started out with the basest most transactional Scorpionic traits, working as a Joffrey's bodyguard, We have seen him slowly but sure begin to soften, let something in. So many of the religious figures in Westeros are deeply unhelpful, but his time with Septon Ray was a turning point. Now that he’s out in the field with the Brothers Without Banners it sure will be interesting to see what he does next! 
  And you can't talk about Scorpio without mentioning S-E-X. Sweet Ros who came down from the North to make a little more $$$ at Littlefinger's brothel had many Scorpionic traits. She had sex appeal and she knew how to use her intelligence to make maximum profit. She was also deeply empathetic and had a strong moral code which is why Littlefinger really started to wear on her after awhile. She started spying for Varys, (Detective is a common Scorpio career choice.) and sadly that got her killed. RIP Ros. 

House Nine Sagittarius:   Tyrion Lannister! Are you surprised? Fiery, Mutable Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, the luckiest planet in the Solar System. This is good news for Tyrion! How many tense, near death situations has he even found himself in? Tyrion, like his planetary ruler has the ability to take in the biggest picture as if from Mount Olympus. (The Ninth House rules Religion, Philosophy AND Law, because for thousands of years it was all the same thing. Isn't that interesting? Anyway.) It made him a great, albeit unappreciated Hand to King Joff, and now Daenerys is lucky to have him. Most Sags are highly intelligent and love to take in as much information as they can believing that all knowledge eventually leads to self-knowledge. We see this with Tyrion making the uncomfortable journey to Wall in Season One because he's... interested? And on the way he reads? For Fun? Such a Sag! 
  Tyrion shows himself to be a Sagittarius in other ways as well. Sagittarius may be the most easy going of the Fire Signs, but they still have that nobility about them that makes them despise nastiness and brutality. Tyrion gives Joff the what for when he hears Joffrey joking that Bran should just die. Later, he intervenes when Joffrey is having his guards beat Sansa for fun. (I personally would love to see Tyrion and Sansa reunited as a power couple now that she's come into her own. Fight me!) He may love "Tits and wine" (Who doesn't?) but he has a moral compass and won't shed blood unnecessarily in the battles to come. Sagittarians with their perceptive minds and sharp intellect may call you out on your shit, but have you ever noticed they can point the arrow at everyone but... themselves? Shae was about a hundred times worse in the books and he never caught on. Is Podrick a spy? Just be careful Tyrion, is all I am saying. 
  The late fiery haired Ygritte was another example of a Sagittarius. She's playful, youthful and a literal archer! Many Sags are athletically gifted, it's a great outlet for burning up some of that excess fiery energy. Ygritte demonstrate the mutable quality of Sag of feeling torn between her own culture and wanting to expand her horizons. She also was unable to see that Jon Snow was not exactly how he presented himself. Classic Sagittarian blind spot. And then we see her fiery rage when she feels betrayed. If only they had never left that cave...
  The Wildlings in general were a very Ninth House Empire. Their tribal governments fused religion, philosophy and law. They were a nomadic culture, and many Sags prefer not to settle and would rather stay on the move. Mance Rayder, the King Beyond the Wall was a classic Sagittarian in that he transitioned from a man of the Night's Watch to Wildling. Nightwatchman was too constraining, he had to be free. From there, he had the classic visionary qualities common in Sagittarius to see what a threat the White Walkers truly were and the charisma to unite the multiple Wildling tribes. RIP King beyond the Wall. 
  Sam Tarley has the sharp intellect of and the sweet youthful face of Sagittarius. The Citadel is the perfect place for him to synthesize all of the information he’s surrounded with, save the day, then not get credit, good luck Sam!  

House Ten Capricorn: Neddard Stark. Did you know Capricorn is sometimes called the Father's Sign? Astrologers who are of the school of thought that we chose our own birthdays (present company enthusiastically included!) like to say Capricorns chose the hardest path. Do you know any Capricorns that seem to make like life harder than it has to be? Anyway. Capricorn is a Cardinal Earth Sign, ruled by Saturn. Saturn is a big, cold, hard planet. Some key words for Saturn are time, loss, death, pain, and fear. Dear Lord! No wonder old Nedd hardly ever smiled! Capricorns are symbolized by the mountain goat that sometimes has a fishtail. This is meant to convey that Capricorns can rise from the lowest depths and reach the highest peaks. Indeed, the Tenth House is the House of Honors and sits at the tippy top of a Zodiac wheel where 12 sits on a traditional clock face. Saturn is a cruel master and will make Capricorns work slowly and carefully before they are rewarded. The man who does the sentencing must swing the sword, Nedd tells his boys (or something like that) Capricorns are all about personal responsibility. So it never quite made sense that Nedd was unfaithful to Catelyn, and of course, now we know he wasn't! Capricorn is the literal sign of the scapegoat. People who regularly do their best and speak their truth don't always fit in. Nedd died because he expected other people to behave as honorably as himself. RIP Daddy Stark. 
  Another Capricorn of Westeros was Margery Tyrell. She had amazing staying power. She outlived two kings! She displayed Tenth House stubbornness gloriously. She also looked gorgeous in that Baratheon antler crown. She was a great match with Tommen. He was Watery and sensitive. She was Earthy and practical. I think they could have set a lot to right in Westeros if they had lived, but it would have made for boring prestige television! RIP Queen Margery.
  Another complicated Capricorn we've gotten to know is Jorah Mormont. Jorah has lived his  honorable life in reverse. He started out the favored son of a Northern House but was exiled from Westeros for participating in the slave trade. In order to win his way back home, he agrees to spy on Daenerys across the narrow sea, only to develop real feelings for her, around the time he's allowed to come home, he's decided he would rather stay! Too bad because by then Dany is on to him and he's exiled once again! He fights his way back to her this time ending up on a slave ship himself and on and on. This kind of bad penny behavior reminds me of real life Capricorn Richard Nixon. I mean, it's cool that he saved her life a few times but it was getting weird. So now he's got the Greyscale, a disease that will eventually turn you into an insane statue. You have to admit that going from being a bannerman in the North to having GRRM's version of leprosy is a true fall from grace that probably even Jorah didn't deserve. Good luck with that Jorah! 

House Eleven Aquarius:  Melisandre. It may seem odd that a weirdo who is obsessed with fire would be a sign people associate with chill vibes, but it's there. Aquarius is a Fixed Air Sign, ruled by Uranus. Pisceans are generally the Mystics of the Zodiacs, while Aquarians are toward the Occultist end of the spectrum. Aquarius is symbolized by a maiden with a pitcher of water, the Water Bearer if you will. The Red Woman with her chalice of flames is a distortion of this. Even her unfortunate human sacrifice habit has some dark Age of Aquarius undertones. If she really believes this is for the good of the realm and will end all wars, what's a couple lost lives here and there? Remember, Aquarius is the least emotional sign. All the fixed signs will cling stubbornly to an idea and Melisandre was no different. She was convinced Stannis was the True King and she stayed by him. Uranus is the planet of surprises and unexpected events Melisandre has surprised us many times! Like when she gave birth to an evil smoke baby that killed Renly, or that time she took off her necklace and revealed herself to be about five hundred years old! What will she do next? The Eleventh House is the House of Politics and Melisandre has proven herself to be a political figure. Divisive, but a political figure nonetheless. 
   Davos Seaworth is the best Aquarius has to offer. The Davos Chapters of the books are great because they are so unemotional I know I will always find out what is actually happening. He wants the best for the realm and those around him. He will follow orders to a point. He will also go rogue like that time he refused to be a party to the Gendry sacrifice. Humble Davos being the True King is a twist that I could live with, tbh. 
  Stannis was another Aquarian archetype. The sad karma of some Aquarians is that they can be brought down by their bizarre companions. He had a solid claim to the throne, and was the only king to do the right thing by the Night's Watch. Sadly, his emotional detachment from his own daughter and his association with a cult leader brought his downfall. 
  The energy of the Citadel and the Maesters has an Aquarian tone. The Eleventh House rules organizations and higher education. These people become very learned to serve others. Their calling is to use their knowledge to serve, doesn't really matter whom. When one house is overthrown violently the maester just starts answering to the new Lord of the house. It's a chilly, amoral kind of a job at times, but necessary and helps everyone. 

House Twelve Pisces:  Bran Stark. Pisces is a Watery, Mutable Sign ruled by Neptune. Pisces is symbolized by two fish swimming in opposite directions but yoked together. This is meant to convey the dreamy Piscean feels conflicted by the amount of time they would like to spend in contemplation but the responsibilities of life interfere. Even before his mystical journey began in earnest, Bran was a dreamy sort of kid who was close to his mom and loved to climb. Neptune rules dance, and many Piseans are blessed with grace. Bran's Twelfth House journey began in earnest with his fall. The Twelfth House rules the Unconscious and also Hospitals, Institutions, and Prisons. While Bran was unconscious, his bedroom became a hospital, and his body became a prison. Pisces is the sign of the Mystic and his Mystical journey began before he even left Winterfell. Bran is able to see into the past and have visions of other parts of the Westeros and beyond the Wall. He currently lacks the discipline to come back when he's needed, but maybe he's learned his lesson? Hope so! 
  Some Pisceans can veer towards religious fanaticism. Take Aeron Greyjoy, otherwise known as The Damphair. As a result of almost dying during Greyjoys's rebellion, he now fervently worships The Drowned God and carries a flask a of seawater that he will occasionally drink from. Takes all kinds I guess!  
  The Twelfth House is the House of Insanity and who among us has not enjoyed the company of a crazy Pisces or two? Lyssa Arryn was driven insane by her love of.... Littlefinger? Alright. Whenever we were forced to see Lyssa on screen she was ranting or pinched with rage. She was so delusional she tried to murder her own niece Sansa. Again, over Littlefinger. Then we learn that she killed her own husband? What a mess. Lyssa was a terror, and I'm afraid for what her son will show up and do. 
  The late King Robert Baratheon was in many ways an archetypal Pisces. He didn't like to be serious. He love to drink and have a good time. Alcoholism lives in the Twelfth House. As do Secret Enemies. Neptune likes things hidden and confused. Robert died thinking he was in a hunting accident, when really, his wife and steward had conspired against him. RIP King Robert. 

Well those are all the Astrological archetypes of Westeros I have. I hope you enjoyed reading about them. I enjoyed writing about them. Love and Light to you all.





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